
Owls was a small social enterprise led by Dr Charlie Howard and Dr. Nina Browne between 2016-2020. The learning has been the foundation for Practice to Policy which is taking the ideas forward into the world.

Owls vision is a world where anything is possible through collaboration and where communities are listened to and looked to for solutions. It worked across our usual silos to do this including health, criminal justice, housing, funding and music sectors.

Owls incubated ideas that had the potential to have big impact and would partner with others to make this happen. An example of a co-produced model we developed, funded by the Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) in partnership with Safer London.

This is an example of a coproduced model developed at Owls.
  • Mental Health Incubator

    Mental Health Incubator

    The vision for this incubator is to embed mental well-being into organisations working with young people. We believe in an action research approach - getting alongside a team and co-producing together. We are currently testing this approach with Safer London.

  • The Movement

    Our vision is a world where all solutions to serious youth violence involve young people with lived expertise. A world where, in 10 years time, there will be no strategy, policy or TV programme written about youth violence without young people being involved at the beginning, middle and end.

  • Street to Scale

    Street to Scale has a vision to change the way funding happens. We have been testing the idea of youth led banks for the past year. Please get in touch if you are interested.

  • The grant incubator

    This is a new grant incubator for young people who are furthest away from mainstream grant making. We’re doing it partnership with grant makers who are volunteering their time.

  • Problem Solving Booths

    Problem Solving Booths were the idea of a young person that turns help-seeking on it’s head. We tested the concept with lots of partners in the UK and internationally. Find out more here